Jezici kojima se konferencijski prevodilac koristi se klasifikuju kao A, B ili C jezici. Jezik A je maternji jezik prevodioca na koji on/ona prevodi sa svih ostalih jezika (B i C). Jezik B je jezik kojim konferencijski prevodilac savršeno vlada i na koji usmeno prevodi sa maternjeg (A) ili drugih jezika. Jezik C je jezik koji konferencijski prevodilac u potpunosti razume i sa koga usmeno prevodi na jezik A ili jezik B. Da li je za prevodioca prednost ako je bilingvalan? Ukoliko je neko usvojio dva jezika odrastajući, te koristi teške akcente, prepoznaje nijanse i idiomske izraze na oba jezika podjednako dobro, to obično nije dovoljno samo po sebi da konferencijskog prevodioca osposobi da oba jezika koristi aktivno na profesionalnom nivou. Neophodna je uporna i dugotrajna vežba radi dostizanja profesionalnog nivoa.
Is conference interpreting a stressful profession?
Yes. To provide quality conference interpreting it is a must for conference interpreters to maintain continued concentration and focus. This is the reason why professional associations of conference interpreters have over time developed standards aimed at ensuring that the efforts invested by conference interpreters are within reasonable limits.
The average working day, including breaks, for a team consisting of at least two interpreters, is six hours. Each additional commenced hour is considered overtime engagement.
Looking for a conference interpreter specialised in a specific field?
In order to provide translation or interpretation, the translator or the interpreter needs to understand the topic. Some interpreters also specialise for certain specific fields. However, most interpreters, as of necessity, rely on their broad general knowledge as the starting point, since it is not possible to be an expert in each field requiring interpretation. Interpreters therefore develop their ability to quickly “absorb” key topics and the professional jargon characteristic of a given interpreting engagement. It is a standard practice among conference interpreters to receive beforehand from the conference organisers the accompanying materials and study them thoroughly in order to acquire a good understanding of the topic and master the relevant professional terminology. An interpreter working frequently for an organisation or a client very soon becomes familiar with the topic and the specialised jargon.
In order to provide translation or interpretation, the translator or the interpreter needs to understand the topic. Some interpreters also specialise...